What is the Best Word Count for an Article?

When I started my content writing journey over a decade ago, one of the most common questions I encountered was, "What is the best word count for an article?"

 It’s a great question and, surprisingly, the answer isn't straightforward. Let's dive into this topic together, exploring different perspectives and data to find out what's ideal for your needs.

Why Does Word Count Matter?

First, why does word count matter so much? Well, it significantly affects your article's performance in search engines, its readability, and how engaging it is for your audience. Have you ever noticed how some articles feel too short and leave you wanting more, while others drag on endlessly? Striking the right balance is key.

SEO Considerations

For SEO (Search Engine Optimization), longer articles often perform better. According to a study by Backlinko, the average word count of a Google first-page result is 1,447 words. This suggests that longer content tends to rank higher. But why is that? Longer articles can cover topics more comprehensively, include more keywords naturally, and keep readers on your page longer, which are all positive signals to search engines.

However, it’s not just about stuffing your article with words. Quality matters immensely. Have you ever clicked on a long article only to find it filled with fluff? That's a big turn-off, right? Ensuring your content remains high-quality and valuable is essential.

Reader Engagement

On the flip side, let's talk about reader engagement. People have varying preferences. Some like in-depth articles, while others prefer concise pieces they can read quickly. According to Medium, the ideal reading time for an article is about 7 minutes, which translates to roughly 1,600 words. They found that engagement tends to drop after the 7-minute mark. Do you find yourself losing interest in long articles too?

Different Types of Articles

The best word count also depends on the type of article you’re writing. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Blog Posts: For general blog posts, 1,000-1,500 words are typically ideal. This length is enough to cover a topic in depth without overwhelming the reader.

News Articles: These are usually shorter, around 500-800 words. The goal here is to provide quick, digestible information.

Guides and How-Tos: These pieces can be longer, often 2,000-3,000 words or more. They need to be comprehensive and detailed to effectively guide the reader.

Listicles: These can vary, but 1,000-2,000 words is a good range. It allows for a thorough list while keeping each point concise.

Industry Insights

Let's see what industry experts say. Neil Patel, a renowned digital marketing expert, suggests aiming for at least 2,000 words for in-depth blog posts. He emphasizes that longer content tends to get more shares and backlinks, which are crucial for SEO. Do you agree with his perspective?

Meanwhile, HubSpot's research indicates that the ideal blog post length for SEO is 2,100-2,400 words. They found that this length helps drive organic traffic and social shares. It’s interesting how these figures align, right?

Practical Tips

Now, let’s get practical. How can you determine the best word count for your specific article? Here are a few tips:

Know Your Audience: Understand what your readers prefer. Are they looking for quick reads or in-depth analysis?

Consider Your Topic: Some topics need more words to cover thoroughly, while others don’t.

SEO Tools: Use tools like Yoast SEO to get recommendations on word count based on your keyword and competition.

Analyze Competitors: Look at the top-ranking articles for your keywords. How long are they?


In conclusion, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to the best word count for an article. It varies based on your goals, audience, and topic. Generally, longer articles perform better for SEO, but reader engagement is crucial too. Aim for a balance, providing valuable, high-quality content that keeps your readers engaged.

What has your experience been with article lengths? Do you prefer writing longer or shorter pieces? I’d love to hear your thoughts!



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